Miners may need to look for alternatives to mine camps

Miners may need to look for alternatives to mine camps

Mining accommodation providers may have to look at alternatives to "donga" style worker's camps in the future as planning decisions impact approvals.

Glamping in Kings Park - what's the chance?

city camping Centennial Park in Sydney will soon be open to overnight campers under a master plan proposal to find new sources of income. Could the King Park Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority consider opening Kings Park up for tourist accommodation operators?

Minister Takes a Hard Line on Governement Subsidies for Ports at Ports Conference

State won’t subsidise private port projects | Business News:

 Transport Minister Troy Buswell has laid out a welcome mat for private investment in the state’s ports, but has warned the government will not subsidise projects like the proposed iron ore facility at Esperance if they don’t stack up commercially. Speaking at the Ports WA conference today, Mr Buswell welcomed recent initiatives that involve private sector development of new port infrastructure.


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