Business Case Studies
Brighthouse Business Case Studies outline the justification for the start-up of a new project or business.
Included in the Business Case Study will be...
- A description of the business opportunity which exists in the business
- A listing of the available options for delivering a solution or resolving a business problem
- The benefits and costs associated with each solution option
- A recommended solution option for approval
The feasibility study simply provides the business case with more rigour for the solution options presented.
During the development of the Business Case, it may be necessary to undertake a formal Feasibility Study.
This process involves a more detailed assessment of the current business problem or opportunity, the various solution options available, the likelihood of a successful implementation for each solution option and the recommended solution option for implementation. The Feasibility Study simply provides the Business Case with more rigour for the solution options presented.
Brighthouse commences all Business Case Studies with a Situational Analysis which identifies the core aspects of the business environment for our clients.
This is important to place the opportunity in perspective - and recognises the achievements of a current business and its values or the reason for a new start-up business.
“The solutions are quantified in terms of benefits and costs.”
We then identify the alternative solutions available through research and innovative strategies or designs.
The solutions are quantified in terms of benefits and costs.
A preferred solution is recommended and risks and issues clearly identified.
Key performance indicators are aligned with objectives and strategies.
Extensive financial modelling is undertaken to provide economic profiles. Financial projections for the project life or to breakeven are provided A comprehensive investment analysis report is included and funding options may be explored.
The Business Case Study is the first step in the project lifecycle and is referred to frequently during the implementation phase of the business project to ensure that it remains on track.
At the end of the project or at business commencement success is measured by whether the objectives defined in the Business Case Study have been met.