There's no getting away from Social Media at SolWaveHouse Hotel

social media hotel While many vacationers vow to go offline on their trips, Spanish hotel chain Melia Hotels International has launched what it calls the first "Twitter experience hotel," which, as the name implies, encourages guests to use their mobile devices throughout their stays.

Russians Slamdunk BHP's Potash Hopes

BHP potash Russian Miner Ualkali has dashed BHP's hopes of a replacement for declining iron ore prices. Uralkali is the world's largest potash producer and on Tuesday announced it's ending the decades-old distribution arrangement with Belarus, which controls roughly 43% of global exports, to go it alone.

Lake Argyle northern capital idea more than blue sky

Lake Argyle northern capital idea more than blue sky

Grand vision for northern capital city at Lake Arglye puts Kununurra in the frame as a regional centre for Australia' population dispersal. The concept focusses on the region's proximity to Asia, agricultural lands, climate and unlimited water supply.

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