Upgrade of Council-owned caravan parks provides much improved revenues

Park work brings in campers | Wairarapa News | Local News in Wairarapa:

Mawley Holiday Park is doing better than expected financially. The park was discussed at a Masterton District Council policy and finance committee meeting last week, with senior staff saying they were pleased with the result.
Finance manager David Paris said the council had planned for a deficit of more than $140,000 although the actual amount was about $94,000. "That's as a result from the much better park income from the upgraded facility."
Council had planned for the rejuvenated park to generate $120,000 in its first business year, but exceeded that amount by more than $55,000.
Mayor Garry Daniell said the Mawley Holiday Park upgrade was a "controversial and very difficult decision to make". "The fact that it's actually worked out to the advantage that we've hoped for is very satisfactory," he said.
Earlier this year parks and recreation manager Grant Hathaway revealed summer occupancy for January and the last month of 2011 had more than doubled on the corresponding months a year previous.


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