Holiday caravan park crackdown: call for a new law to stop people living there all year round - North Wales Weekly News:
The current caravan parks legislation review in Western Australia is intended to reduce unnecessary regulation and improve user experiences, but it is important that regulators do not allow the changes to have unforseen consequences.
In an example of a legislative review of caravan parks having severely adverse consequences for caravan park users, a new law to regulate North Wales’ many holiday caravan parks would crack down on people who choose unlawfully to live in holiday caravans all year round and improve management and regulation of parks.The Welsh holiday caravan industry has an annual turnover of £725m and sustains 4,000 jobs.
The Holiday Caravan Park (Wales) Bill would also address the “hidden population” of year-long static caravan users, which he said damaged the Welsh economy by some of the most intense use of public services, while avoiding council tax which would apply to a permanent residence.It would reform the present law on holiday caravan sites in Wales which dates back to 1960.
“I have published the draft legislation which is now out for public consultation until January 17 and once I have received feedback I can consider possible amendments before the Bill goes to the Senedd for scrutiny.“
It has been heartening to see how people appreciate the need for reform. It is only a minority who ignore the letter of the law but it is something that needs to be tackled.
The idea is to safeguard the future of the industry in the long term and I have had support from local caravan parks to develop the Bill.”A similar law, led by Liberal Democrat AM Peter Black, has been passed by the Assembly process, to regulate mobile home sites in Wales.
That law includes a provision for a requirement for all site owners to pass a “fit and proper persons” test, which could also form part of Mr Millar’s proposals.
The Conservative AM received cross-party agreement in the Assembly to introduce his Bill.Housing and Regeneration minister, Carl Sargeant, said the Welsh Government was happy to support the bill but emphasised that owners of caravan park must not be “over-burdened” with regulation.
The British Holiday & Home Parks Association said it shared the concerns of Mr Millar that a “small number” of holiday parks in Wales are allowing – either knowingly or unknowingly – holiday homes to be unlawfully occupied as full-time residences.
The body advises members of the need to ensure that holiday caravans are sold as second homes for leisure purposes only. “We also recognise, as does Mr Millar, the importance of sustaining the major contribution made by parks to the regional economy,” a spokesperson said.
“We are therefore studying closely the text of the draft bill, and consulting with association members.“Our main concern is to ensure that any legislation passed is appropriate, proportionate, and does not have any unintended consequences.”