Changes to the way Caravan Parks are being run aren't making everyone happy, according to an article by LizSemi Permanents at caravan parks Keen in ABC Mid North Coast NSW.
Some families take themselves off to the same holiday camping ground for years. They catch up with friends, they meet every year and then they often take their own kids back to the same grounds when they become parents themselves.
If you talk to anyone whose done this it's easy to see how much it means to them, not only are they a little nostalgic, it's a way of sharing their childhood with their own children.
Seal Rocks Caravan Park has been a popular place for campers over the years, and apart from its beautiful location, it is known for its laid back atmosphere which has families coming back year after year.
Greg Thompson is involved with the Save Seal Rocks group who are protesting against proposed changes to their holiday park. He told Beth McMullen the Park is perfect as it is but extensive changes are being proposed, with limited consultation. He owns a van in the park and is concerned that some residents will have to move to make way for these changes. "There was no letter sent out to us, we just saw it in the paper," he said.