Australian-based Ambre Energy plans to export coal to Asia from the US

Australia-based Ambre Enery has signed Letters of Intent with two US manafacturing firms to construct barges to take coal down the Colombia RIver to the Port of St Helens, where it will be exported to Asia.

Esselmont Cockram Construction Wins $19.6m Education Contract

Contracts for Government construction works have been awarded including the $19.6 million new construction campus for Challenger Institute of Technology at Rockingham.

Sale of Three Queensland Caravan Parks To Displace Long term Residents

Sale of Three Queensland Caravan Parks To Displace Long term Residents
GREAT-great grandmother Esther Mellows lives in fear of being booted from the southside Brisbane caravan park she has called home for 36 years. Her lovingly-tended flower garden, became worthless overnight after the Newman Government abruptly announced a sale of state-owned caravan parks.

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