Top Traveller Blogger's quest for Australia's most scenic loo

Top Traveller Blogger's quest for Australia's most scenic loo

Red Nomad OZ is Marion Halliday, an Author, Blogger and Traveller who regularly hits the road to explore Australia, discovering outrageous outhouses, fabulous facilities and dunnies of distinction.

Australia named top dream destination on TripAdvisor

tripadvisor award Australia has appeared in the ‘top three’ list of ideal travel destinations for travellers from Austria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, the UK and the US according to TripAdvisor’s third TripBarometer study.

Declining Caravan Parks under Pressure

Declining Caravan Parks under Pressure

The future of the caravan parks will be determined by its ability to reinvent supply with products targeted at new consumers. It is critical for this important tourism segment to compensate for the loss of caravan park capacity to redevelopment over recent years.

Caravan & ‘Glamping’ in Europe

glamping Glamping is a blend of the words ‘glamour’ and ‘camping’, and simply the thing to do for committed young urban hipsters hitting the road in style to experience the great outdoors in organic, designer clothing.

Making Your Holiday Park Succeed

caravan park upgrade In order to have the best possible chance of your holiday park to succeed, you need to improve your holiday park reputation overall through what your park offers, how it’s marketed and its overall image.

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